Veilux SVEX-1301HD Explosive Proof PTZ Housing
Chemical and Other Industrial facilities: Explosion Proof Introduction
In today’s world just about everything is subject to damage. Just the thought of an on-sight accident gives facility administrators and management the most chilling night terrors. In an ideal world mapping out a video surveillance system as part of the architectural design of the facility is a priority. Here at Veilux Inc. we ask all our customers the same question: How much risk are you willing to exposure yourself to? Because in the end that’s what it all boils down to: risk mitigation.
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics there were 4,585* work related fatal injuries in 2013. Though a video camera may not directly prevent a work-place incident it can provide the management with an accurate and detailed picture of what happened. This information can be viewed from virtually anywhere for any purpose. Purposes like training videos for incident prevention seminars for employees, or evidence in a work-man’s compensation claim.
Explosive dust and hazardous chemical explosions are huge concerns at pharmaceutical, industrial chemical, and assembly plants. While video surveillance is essential to monitor the workplace in these areas a potentially expensive and fatal explosion caused by a small spark from a shorted camera is a huge risk. Veilux Inc. can address those concerns with our Explosion Proof line. For the sake of clarity explosion proof does not mean the camera would survive an explosion. They are only able to protect against an explosion that could be caused by the camera within the housing. Explosion proof cameras are Ingress Protection ratings between 66 and 68 which mean that they are the best explosion proof housing out there. Explosion proof housing separates the atmosphere of the camera inside the housing, and the atmosphere of the outside world. In the case where a camera sparks due to a power surge or other unforeseeable circumstance the spark will not cause a chain reaction resulting in a massive explosion. This is due to the atmospheric separation.
Risk mitigation doesn’t just include potential hazards, and Murphy’s Law incidents. It includes the threat of theft of valuable raw materials as well as vital big ticket items like tools and vehicles. Whether your facility is a small scale warehouse or a mile long assembly line Video Surveillance systems have been proven to deter theft and vandalism. Would be criminals will not steal or destroy when they know they are being watched. Existing analog users know the struggle of getting an accurate description of a culprit from standard definition. With the many different options such as SDI, TVI, and IP systems criminals can be captured in the act in High Definition. Veilux Inc. has years of experience providing detailed solutions to every problem.